API Reference

pyramid_cron.add_cron_task(config, f, min='*', hour='*', day='*', month='*', dow='*')[source]

Register a function for execution by the scheduler.

Task functions must have the following signature:

def mytask(system):
    request = system['request']
    registry = system['registry']
    # do stuff

Additional keys may be added in the future: the single-arg signature ensures that task functions will be forward-compatible.

In addition to the callback function, you can specify a schedule, using a cron-like syntax. For the time periods of min, hour, day, month, and dow (day of week), you can specify an integer, a set of integers, or the ‘*’ wildcard character. The default argument is ‘*’. Hours are specified in 24-hour time.

For example, this will run the task every day, at 2:00:

config.add_cron_task(..., hour=2)

This will run the task every day at 2:00, 10:00, and 18:00:

config.add_cron_task(..., hour=[2, 10, 18])

To run the task ‘every 2 hours’, you can use range():

config.add_cron_task(..., hour=range(0, 24, 2))
  • f – The function to execute. Task functions must have accept a single argument, which will be a system dict containing keys for the Pyramid request and registry.
  • min – Specify which minutes to run the task.
  • hour – Specify which hours to run the task.
  • day – Specify which days to run the task.
  • month – Specify which months to run the task.
  • dow – Specify which days of the week to run the task.